Hydrology & Hydraulics

Butler Beach Drainage & Stormwater Master Plan

Butler Beach Drainage & Stormwater Master Plan Butler Beach, Florida Matthews | DCCM was tasked by St. Johns County to analyze the Butler Beach region’s drainage characteristics and study of how the region’s various sub-regions interact with each other. Our staff reviewed the existing drainage basin and identified areas of concern, which included the watersheds and stormwater infrastructure within the Butler Beach drainage area. Data was collected and analyzed from FEMA historic claims, FDOT infrastructure, field observations, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soils information, current SJRWMD permits, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) storm data, multiple field surveys and observations along with other data sources.  In addition, a community forum/public meeting was held to identify other potential deficient areas. Each sub-region was evaluated, and recommendations were made for improvements. Maintenance considerations, capital costs and overall construction feasibility were considered. The proposed solutions were ranked based on the overall benefit cost analysis to assist the County in determining timing and funding of capital improvements to the drainage systems, overall effectiveness, ease of maintenance, feasibility of construction, and overall benefit to the sub-region.  Finally, a detailed with report with full details for each potential solution was created and presented to St. Johns County. 

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St. Johns County Fire Station 5 & Sheriff’s South Regional Operations Center

St. Johns County Fire Station 5 & Sheriff’s South Regional Operations Center St. Augustine, Florida Matthews | DCCM provided civil engineering site design for this nearly 23,000 SF Fire Station, including four bay doors with a capacity to hold six fire vehicles. This new building at 3370 US 1 South also houses a new South Regional Operations Center for the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office in St. Augustine. The facility also has a three-story drill tower and fitness room. This combination of Fire Station and Sheriff’s Office replaces Stations 5 and 11 in south St. Johns County. Scope of work included a site plan depicting site layout, roadways, traffic signal design, buildings, and site improvements, a demolition plan, a utility plan, construction details accompanying the plan sets, and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Our team also secured regulatory permits.

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