Tocoi Creek High School St. Augustine, Florida Matthews | DCCM provided professional engineering associated with the design and permitting services to the Architect-of-Record for the new high school located along International Golf Parkway, northeast of the Mill Creek Academy in St. Augustine, Florida. This school is situated on a 69-acre site and consists of five buildings comprising of classrooms, a gym, a cafeteria, an auditorium, and an administrative office. The campus includes student, teacher, and visitor parking, a football field, a baseball field, a softball field, basketball courts, and a bus drop-off area. Scope of work included conceptual site plan depicting the location of buildings, parking, and stormwater management areas; engineering designs and construction plan preparation showing land clearing and tree removal limits, demolition, site grading and earthwork, stormwater drainage systems, paving and water and sewer utilities. Offsite improvements associated with the high school included the addition of turn lanes, driveway design and modifications, maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans, and signing and pavement marking (S&PM) plans. Additionally, our team conducted a topographic survey of the baseball field to address the ponding and drainage challenges that arose from the installation of clay, hindering proper stormwater drainage. By meticulously analyzing the site’s contours and identifying areas of concern, we developed an engineered design to rectify the drainage issues.