Colbert Lane Resurfacing and Improvements

Palm Coast, Florida

Matthews | DCCM worked with Flagler County to complete the design of 7.1 miles of resurfacing for Colbert Lane and 1.2 miles of resurfacing and shoulder improvements for Grady Prather Jr. Cove in Palm Coast. This project included improvements to signage and striping throughout to improve the safety and awareness for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. 

All signage was brought up to current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards included replacing outdated warning signs and adding intersection warning signs with specific street name plaques. Additional pavement markings were proposed at specific intersections to improve traffic flow and motorist awareness. It was observed during the design of the project that Grady Prather Jr. Cove had severe shoulder deterioration and sidewalk failure. Our team established the limits needed repair during a site visit and proposed concrete replacement and stability improvements to both the sidewalk and existing shoulder. We also provided the design of a full access driveway connection to the Graham Swamp parking lot. 

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