Woodlawn Road Improvements

St. Augustine, florida

As the prime consultant for engineering design and permitting, Matthews | DCCM provided engineering design services to widen a 1.5-mile section of Woodlawn Road near Lewis Speedway.

This roadway, which is designated as a major collector road in St. Johns County, had experienced deterioration due to high traffic load and the substandard roadway section that was in place. To improve this roadway, the scope of services included roadway elevation and realignment, the addition of turn lane and improvements into Woodlawn Planned Unit Development (north), as well as adding turn lanes into Heritage Park subdivision (south), signing and pavement markings (S&PM), Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plans, stormwater management facilities and permitting with all regulatory agencies. Other improvements to the corridor included the addition of a pedestrian bridge/walkway over wetlands.

Our team also coordinated with the City of St. Augustine to design and facilitate utility relocations within the roadway corridor.

Services Provided

  • Roadway construction plans
  • Widening and realignment
  • S&PM and MOT Plans
  • Utility design and coordination
  • Stormwater modeling and design
  • Pedestrian bridge/walkway
  • Safety improvements
  • Stakeholder coordination
  • Environmental services
  • Construction administration
  • Bidding assistance
  • Permitting with SJC, SJRWMD, and FDOT

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